
This is a great event for newcomers to the SCA! We have a lot of activities you can try while you’re here. We do ask all attendees to wear clothing that would have been the style in history before the year 1600. We do have loaner costumes and costume pieces you’re welcome to borrow for the day at no charge. Please just bring them back! We won’t turn away anyone who sincerely does not want to don a costume or costume piece, but we would greatly appreciate it if you joined us in our traditions.

We have a person who is ready to help you get acclimated and introduced to our organization and this event. Their title is “Chatelaine” so watch for them as you enter the event site. They can help you with loaner costumes and finding your way to the activities you’d like to try.

Please come by and meet the people of Elvegast! We’re all friendly and love to share our passion for historic recreation. If you see something you are interested in, please ask anyone nearby for more information.

Our international organization web page is

Our region is known as a “kingdom” and we’re in the Kingdom of Atlantia. See the web page for our kingdom here:

Central North Carolina is a group known as the Barony of Windmasters Hill. The web page is here:

Our little group sponsoring this event is the Canton of Elvegast! See our web page here:

Please do not hesitate to ask us about our hobbies! If we don’t know the answer to your question, we’ll find someone who does!